MD Anderson Cancer Center
M.D. Anderson required substantial HVAC infrastructure upgrades following the 12-story, 550,000 square-foot addition to the existing Alkek Building.
Cobb provided extensive preconstruction planning and BIM modeling to mitigate impacts to the occupied cancer hospital during construction. Along with solving multiple logistical challenges, an innovative dust and smoke control strategy was implemented by the team and coordinated with hospital staff to ensure the hundreds of utility shutdowns did not affect patient care.
General Contractor: McCarthy Construction
Mechanical Contract Value: $9,575,884
Date Completed: May 2012

Seton Medical Centers
Cobb Mechanical teamed with Lott Brothers on these concurrent projects for the Seton Family of Hospitals.
The two facilities had a combined total of 690,000 square feet and 390 patient beds. Custom chilled water rooftop units totaling over 808,000 CFM were used to maintain pinpoint accuracy for temperature and humidity control in patient rooms and critical care areas. Both of these design-assist fast-track facilities were completed in 14 months.
General Contractor: Lott Brothers Construction
Combined Mechanical Contract Value: $43,080,459
Date Completed: 2009

William Beaumont Army Medical Center – Fort Bliss
Greenfield healthcare project consisting of 6 separate buildings and including 135 inpatient beds, 10 ORs, 30 clinics and Biosafety Level 3 laboratories.
MECHANICAL CRITERIA: 80,000 sf CUP includes 5 – 1,400 ton chillers and 4 – 25,000 MBH boilers
General Contractor: Clark-McCarthy, J.L. Herndon, Ray Sedey
Combined Mechanical Contract Value: $212,400,000
Date Completed: 2020